
In 2011, the United Nations 人权 Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and 人权 (UNGPs) establishing a global standard on the roles of businesses and governments in ensuring that companies respect human rights.

We advocate for companies within our membership and beyond to embed the UNGPs into their operations. We also position respect for human rights as a crucial vehicle through which business can help achieve the broader vision of peaceful and inclusive societies embraced by the Sustainable 发展 Goals.


    Companies continue to face barriers to operationalizing respect for human rights across their businesses, in many cases struggling to foster internal awareness and leadership within their organizations and falling short of translating policies into practice across complex and dynamic global supply chains. This is set against the backdrop of a rapidly evolving regulatory environment, coupled with enhanced expectations and scrutiny from stakeholders.


    Understanding the human rights impacts on their business helps companies to better manage and mitigate reputational risks and minimize operational costs. Demonstrating corporate commitment to respecting human rights also leads to enhanced engagement with a variety of stakeholders and provides significant opportunities for companies to differentiate themselves from competitors.


    Our human rights work supports the operationalization of the UNGPs and seeks to increase the number of companies knowing and showing that they respect human rights. 我们的做法是:

    • Inspiring, informing and advocating for business action;
    • Facilitating peer-to-peer learning to capture, highlight and disseminate solutions;
    • Connecting companies and promoting partnerships;
    • Representing the voice of leading business in global platforms and inter-governmental processes.

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