

自2015年以来, WBCSD has worked to increase the understanding and use of corporate renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). We have created a valuable and pragmatic suite of guidance to help companies navigate their individual journey toward renewable power via PPAs. 本指南基于公司在谈判购电协议时所面临的挑战, 例如:确定签署ppa的财务和报告影响, 了解购电协议的各种定价结构,并找到最合适的项目. Leading corporate buyers are nowadays additionally wondering how to use their procurement decisions to reduce not only negative impact on the environment but also on nature and society.  


水务署发布了一系列资源,以加深企业对可再生能源电力协议的整体认识. These resources offer a good starting point for companies looking to procure renewable power through PPAs.  



企业可再生购电协议:全球扩展 (2016)

这个报告  指导公司通过购电协议采购可再生能源.

采购可再生能源可以减少企业的碳足迹, 展示领导能力,降低能源采购成本和风险.


  • 经济学 -长期的电力负担能力和价格可见性; 
  • 可持续性 - reduced carbon emissions and progress towards renewables targets; and 
  • 领导 -对可再生电力成就和气候领导的认可.  

这份报告帮助公司克服障碍,抓住ppa提供的机会. 它采取了一种全球性的方法, 强调了智利等具有企业可再生能源发展潜力的国家, 阿根廷和印度. 



企业可再生购电协议的定价结构 (2021) 

这个报告 aims to help businesses benefit from PPAs by providing an outline of the various pricing structures available, 以及对各自风险影响的评论, regional variations and settlement considerations to help businesses understand feasible options that are suitable for them. 

随着ppa越来越受欢迎, a variety of pricing structures are being used to reflect the balance of risks and benefits between parties in different geographies. 它们包括: 

  • 固定的,升级 & 指数化  
  • 浮动价格,有上限和下限的市场折扣   
  • 领口和反领(领口,反领(仅限VPPA)) 
  • 混合结构 
  • 追回  

这个报告 is meant for corporate buyers to better understand the introductory concepts before receiving professional advice on their applicability to individual projects.  



电力购买协议的国际财务报告准则会计大纲 (2018) 

本指南 帮助企业买家: 

  • Understand the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as they relate to corporate PPAs; and 
  • 确定进入PPA的潜在会计和财务报告后果. 

Corporate PPAs are often extensive contracts and include a myriad of clauses and advanced price mechanisms that can increase accounting and financial reporting complexity. 这篇论文 mainly aims to help accounting professionals and off-takers address issues surrounding accounting for corporate power purchase agreements. The main tool is a decision tree which illustrates the possible accounting treatments for PPA contracts. The decision tree helps determine what contractual elements must be evaluated in order to establish the most appropriate accounting of a PPA.   



Continuing innovation in contract terms and conditions is crucial to increasing the number of corporate renewable PPAs globally. WBCSD has released a number of resources to keep companies up to date with innovations in the renewable PPA space and enable easy adoption.  

How to overcome the challenges of volume and generation profile risk and manage contractual complexities?  

电力购买协议结构的创新 (2018) 

本指南  帮助公司建立创新的企业可再生购电协议. The objective of this report is to identify further challenges  that corporate buyers have come across as the corporate PPA market has grown and evolved in existing and new markets and jurisdictions. 它是当前市场实践的快照,也是未来增长和创新的标识符. 

Continuing innovation in contract terms and conditions is crucial to increasing the number of corporate renewable PPAs globally. 本报告探讨了克服以下挑战的潜在创新: 

  • 数量和形状风险,例如通过代理收入互换和能源存储 
  • 管理贷款人预期,例如通过债务再融资和买方俱乐部 
  • 管理复杂性和完成交易的时间, 例如,通过合同标准化和信誉良好的集成商来捆绑风险 

A better understanding of challenges and innovations will accelerate deployment of corporate renewable PPAs in mature markets and assist the successful development in new markets. 

#企业PPA功能, 与ppa相关的新风险, 开发风险, 性能风险, 体积的风险, 概要文件的风险 


多技术ppa如何帮助公司降低风险 (2019) 

这篇论文 investigates if and how multi-technology PPAs could offer benefits to developers and/or corporate buyers by mitigating balancing, 形状或轮廓和体积风险通常与ppa相关. The goal of this paper is to support continuous innovation in the way companies purchase renewable power for their operations. The research finds that a well-structured portfolio of projects and technologies can offer a firmer renewable generation profile compared to a single technology.

企业可再生多技术购电协议可以实现多种技术组合. 本文仅限于具有可变发电剖面的技术:风能和太阳能光伏. 



欧洲跨境可再生能源购电协议 (2020)  

这个报告 examines a specific offsite PPA structure that emerged in the European Single Market: the cross-border PPA (so called XB PPA).

在XB PPA中, a corporate buyer purchases renewable electricity (and usually the accompanying guarantees of origin – GOs) generated outside of the country of consumption, 通过PPA. XB PPAs are becoming increasingly popular as countries seek to meet their energy needs and reduce carbon emissions. 它们为各国提供了获得负担得起的可靠能源的途径, 同时也促进能源部门的区域合作和一体化. XB ppa可以采取两种形式:  

  • 虚拟/财务XB PPA -财务结算PPA, where a physical network connection between the generation asset(s) and the operational load is not required 
  • Physical/direct XB PPAs - a PPA where there is a physical grid network connection between the generation asset and the load of the corporate buyer, 根据购电协议输送的电力是通过能源服务供应商输送的 

The objective of this report is to help corporate buyers understand the technicalities of XB PPAs by providing a balanced view of the risks and opportunities that the XB PPA structure can provide. 



企业采购可再生能源的下一步是什么? 引导过渡到可持续的电力系统 (2023)

这个报告 aims to present the successes achieved in corporate renewable power procurement while examining what the transition to a sustainable power system means for the ambitious leadership of the future. 

An increasingly ambitious sustainability agenda and the evolving dynamics of power market operations necessitate a rethink of how companies procure, 消费和投资可再生能源. 结果是, the benchmark for what constitutes positive impact for corporate renewable power procurement this decade is diversifying into a new range of leadership approaches rather than one single metric that is suitable for all businesses.  

这个报告 sets out six power procurement approaches that go beyond the worthy goal of adding renewable power capacity to the grid and that companies can use to respond to the risks and opportunities that transition to a sustainable power system presents. 其中包括考虑时间因素, 电网稳定性对社会和自然的影响是企业在电力采购决策中所做出的.   

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